Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Maths: Funny Equations

New Maths tells how to delineate or define emotions, activities, or just everyday stuff in an amusing and new way

Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Major reason for Child abuse in Sri Lanka….

As my research in rural area of Sri Lanka  the major problem is 1 of each 2 families (2:1) main woman character (mostly mothers with infants and children under age 10) is going/sending to Middle East countries as a laborer cause of saving their family from poverty and their children’s future.

A young woman who is going/ sending to the abroad is not a problem. Actually she learns lot of thing more than when she is working in her estate. She earns the knowledge of the outer world. And she leads her life with her own freedom. But we noticed most of the women in our rural area are leave their family and go to another country by poverty. They want to wash out the burden of their poverty and give a good future to their children.
We all are known that in our society we spend our early ages with our mothers. She feeds love and a good guidance with food.

However like the rural area more than a 60% of families (women are working in abroad) are still suffer and they spend the same lifestyle. When these women leave their home the other members of their families especially in our case the children are affected by others. As,

  1. 1.  Children lost mothers love and care in their early age.
  2. 2.  They are abused by their own relations (drunkard fathers) or others
  3. 3.  Without any guidance they inspired by bad activities.
  4. 4.   When they grown they cannot give the love to other people
  5. 5.   Unable to concentrate in their education.
t     So the purpose why the leave this country and work in abroad is destroyed and finally they face so many problems.  And some alternate solutions for this major problem. As

  1. 1.      Providing a knowledge of self employment which they can do in their home without going to out of the country
  2. 2.      Sending abroad theirs father instead of the mothers
  3. 3.      Increasing their salaries.
  4. 4.      Give the parents to knowledge of child care and good parenting.
  5. 5.      Let the children to well developed child care center (at least in daytime)